24 March 2021 – Thursday – The Corona situation in Austria has been tense for weeks. And there is no sign of it easing any time soon: experts are forecasting an increase to an average of 4,100 new infections per day by the middle of next week. According to the experts, on March 31, there would already be 4,500 new cases. A seven-day incidence of 328 per 100,000 inhabitants is also expected then.
It’s a similar story with forecasts for intensive care units: In two weeks, 630 Covid 19 patients will require intensive care across Austria, according to the forecast.
From yesterday to today, 3,124 new infections and 27 new deaths related to Corona were reported in Austria.
Austria-wide, 9,178 people have thus died as a result of coronavirus infection to date. Within the past week, 196 deaths were registered. Per 100,000 inhabitants, 103.1 people have already died from or with Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.
Situation in hospitals
The number of occupied intensive care beds remained at a stable high level – 446 on Thursday, down by one Covid-19 sufferer from the previous day. There was also a small decrease overall in the number of patients in the hospital.
There were 2,068 people undergoing hospital treatment across Austria on Thursday – 18 fewer than on Wednesday. There was a decrease of one patient in intensive care beds across Austria. In the particularly busy wards in the federal capital, nine fewer patients had to be treated on Thursday than on Wednesday. 167 infected patients were in intensive care units in Vienna. In Lower Austria, in turn, there were three additional Covid 19 patients, bringing intensive care occupancy to 94. At the previous peak on November 25, 2020, 115 ICU beds had been occupied. Burgenland also continued to approach the record level. Since Wednesday, two more patients had to be admitted to intensive care units, so there were 18 patients there on Thursday. The most so far there had been in the easternmost province on November 30 with 22.
So far, there have been 526,393 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 9,178 people across Austria have died as a result of the Corona virus and 483,460 have recovered. Currently, 2,068 people are undergoing hospital treatment due to the Corona virus. Of these, 446 are being cared for in intensive care units.
New infections by province:
Burgenland: 102
Carinthia: 120
Lower Austria: 672
Upper Austria: 445
Salzburg: 202
Styria: 229
Tyrol: 247
Vorarlberg: 99
Vienna: 1,008
- sources: ages.at/sozialministerium.at and kurier.at
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